How can Homeopathy help with Infertility?

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What is Infertility Infertility is the inability to conceive (achieve pregnancy) despite having regular unprotected sexual intercourse for one or more than one year (six months for women over 35yrs)between a male & a female partner.  Infertility affects one in six couples worldwide; more than 186 million individuals of reproductive age worldwide significantly impact their […]

Why is Holistic medicine your best option for healing Acne?

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Acne (also known as Acne Vulgaris) is an inflammatory skin condition caused by hair follicles plugging with oil and dead skin cells. Acne affects 70-90% of the adolescent population in urban industrialized nations. In rural areas, this percentage is relatively low; i.e., metropolitan populations are more affected than rural populations. (Read this blog to know the […]

Managing Pre Menstrual Syndrome Naturally!

Posted Posted in Health & Lifestyle

What is PMS: PMS or Premenstrual syndrome is a group of mental and physical symptoms that some women might experience a week or two weeks before the onset of periods.The mental symptoms include mood swings, depressive feelings, irritability, etc and the Physical symptoms include Headache, Backache, breast tightness, bloating, constipation or diarrhea and acne. These […]